Inheritance Publications

(Church Music & Records)


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3317 Township Rd 624, County of Barrhead AB T0G 1R1 Canada

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Author Index (for all books in Canadian Prices)



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CAD$ 49.95



History of Protestantism

History of Protestantism is an excellent source of teaching the geography of Europe

History of Protestantism is not only very captivating (hard to stop reading), it also is Scholarly and a great introduction to literature in general

History of Protestantism is a very accurate history of the Western World, especially of the 13th to 17th century

History of Protestantism is the broadest introduction (basically introduction and intermediate) to the Reformataion, likely the most educational time in Church History

History of Protestantism is one of te most stimulating books to help God's people to discern and live a life in faith and gratitude

History of Protestantism is possibly the best political textbook (after God's Word)

History of Protestantism is a lifetime tool for the whole family

History of Protestantism is an ideal series to read aloud together as class or family, each having their own copy and taking turns in reading

Set of Three Volumes

ISBN 978-1-77298-029-5

15% discount for the set of 3 volumes


For more information click here!


No Greater Joy — Grandma’s Secret Book

Free (with any order for other books) for every grandparent and parent.

May the Lord grant you the greatest joy by seeing your children and grandchildren love the Lord.


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REG. 77.70 by PIET PRINS

CAD$ 65.95


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What's New




Special Package Sets at 15-20% discount



Klaas Schilder Complete Audio Meditations from Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh


Klaas Schilder's Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh (COMPLETE) & De Reformatie 1920-1952

De Reformatie may well have been the most important literature of the 20th Century

For the complete Dutch editions of De Reformatie 1920-1952 in PDF format click here

For Articles by Klaas Schilder translated in English click here


New. . . New . . . New . . . our NEWSletter:

No Greater Joy

(Issue 1 has links to all issues and related pages)

Issue 1: July 1, 2016

Complete Bach & Mozart on Compact Disc

for less than US$1.50 per CD!!!


Bach & Handel & Other Classical DVDs


DVD Mannenkoor Staphorst with Harm Hoeve

as well as

Books and Music, also for children, on John Calvin


Damaged but complete copies up to 70% discount.

Some copies have loose pages but that will be mentioned with the title.


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link to start the PayPal shopping cart. You can pay secure online by PayPal, Visa, or Mastercard.

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DVDs for the Whole Family to Enjoy



With Joyful Psalm and Song

The Children of Asaph

Sing Anglo-Genevan Psalms

Amy Barendregt, Soprano

Peter De Boer, Baritone

Kent Dykstra, Violin

Joel Bootsma, Viola

Vanessa Smeding, Cello

Harm Hoeve, Organ

Theresa Janssen, Conductor

Psalms 76:1, 3, & 5; 93:1-4; 85:1 & 2; 114:1-4; 35:1 & 2; 6:1 & 2 (Soprano Solo); 47:1-3; The Song of Mary; Psalms 33 (Organ Solo); 79:1, 3, & 5; 89:1-3;

119:1, 4, 13, & 40; 24:1, 2, & 5; 144:2 (Strings & Baritone); 84:1-3; 55:1, 2, & 9; 71:1 & 8; 138:1-4.

IPDVD 113-9 (includes free CD)

CAD$ 29.95




Along the Athabasca River

The Children of Asaph Sing Folksongs

From Around the World

Amy Barendregt, Soprano

Kent Dykstra, Violin

Joel Bootsma, Viola

Harm Hoeve, Organ

Theresa Janssen, Conductor


1. Sing Along; 2. Something to Sing About 3. Hedge Rose; 4. a) Christopher Columbus; b) The Prairie Schooner; c) In the Ropery;

5. My Heart Ever Faithful (Soprano Solo); 6. Along the Athabasca River; 7. The Canadian; 8. Bugle Note; 9. The Spider and the Fly; 10. The Blue Bells of Scotland;

11. The Good Comrade; 12. a) Maple Trees; b) Paul and the Fox; 13. The Londonderry Air (Piano & Violin); 14. The Ashgrove; 15. Ducks on a Pond; 16. Bells;

17. Swing High; 18. This Land is Your Land; 19. William of Nassau; 20. Our Gracious God.

IPDVD 114-9 (includes free CD)

CAD$ 29.95





This set includes 60CDs with all the Sacred Cantatas by Bach which is a value 10 times this price! In our home we play one of these CDs every Sunday.


DEBORAH ALCOCK (1835 - 1913):

The best author of (truly) Historical Fiction that we have discovered

(many customers told us they believe so too).

We are pleased to announce that the biography





is now available online and can be copied free of charge from our website.

Please click here for the Preface and Contents and some of her republished books


For info about this beautiful CD click here


The top ten books that will make a reader of your child (age 5 and up):

age 5: Abraham’s Sacrifice by Cor Van Rijswijk

age 6: Martin Shows the Way by Cor Van Rijswijk

age 7 Anak, the Eskimo Boy by Piet Prins

age 8 Augustine, The Farmer’s Boy of Tagaste by P. De Zeeuw

age 8 William of Orange - The Silent Prince by W.G. Van de Hulst

age 9 Salt in His Blood by William R. Rang

age 9: Scout: The Secret of the Swamp by Piet Prins

age 9: The Lonely Sentinel by Piet Prins

age 10: Stefan Derksen’s Polar Adventure by Piet Prins

age 10: When The Morning Came by Piet Prins


Please note: Some prices may have changed recently.

To obtain the most current price information please check our Author / Title pages

At the same time: All prices are subject to change without notification.

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All prices are subject to change without notice.

About Inheritance Publications

Inheritance Publications is a small company which was established to provide Biblical Reformed literature. We want to maintain the antithesis between right and wrong, between true and false christianity. It is also our desire to give God the honour and glory due to His Name because of His covenant faithfulness. Remembering the great deeds of God in the history of His Church will always cause God's children to stand in awe of His Majesty. It is our aim to reach children, young adults, and adults with stories about the history of the Church. We also provide a wide selection of books on the doctrine of the Church. May God's Name be glorified and the readers edified by the reading of our books.

The Catalogue of Inheritance Publications is still available. It contains a complete book by Piet Prins, Scout: The Secret of the Swamp.

To order your copy for 9.95 please click on

of this Book/Catalogue please order any book from our web site and ASK for a free copy of this book/catalogue.

Click Here to Read the First Chapter.

Scout: The Secret of the Swamp & I.P Catalogue by Piet Prins

Tom and his friends overhear German military secrets. The secret trail through the swamp puts Scout’s talents and Tom’s courage to the test.

Time: 1939-1945 Age: 10-99

ISBN 0-921100-50-7 9.95


About Church Music & Records

Church Music & Records is a small company specialized in Choral and Organ Recordings and Sheet Music on Psalms and Hymns for Choir and Organ. In July 1978 the first LP records were sold by Roelof A. Janssen in the Netherlands. In 1980 Roelof emigrated to Canada and soon started importing Records, Cassettes, and Sheetmusic into Canada and the U.S.A. In 1983 he also began to sell books and in 1997 he started publishing old English books and new translations from the Dutch under Inheritance Publications.



Company Policies

We serve all customers: retail stores at regular discounts, and private customers (mail order) at regular prices.

Inheritance Book Club members get Book Club prices on orders over US$100.00.

Inheritance Book Club members also receive our new books (applicable category) automatically (no postage charge) at discounted (about 15%) prices and have the option of returning the books within 10 days.

For information on the Inheritance Book Club please click here

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Contact Information

President: Roelof A. Janssen

Orders: Maria & Juliana Janssen

Email (General Information & Sales):

Telephone 780-674-3949


Postal address (Canada & International & U.S. Wholesale Orders): 3317 Township Rd 624, County of Barrhead AB T0G 1R1 Canada




What's New



Special Package Sets at 15-20% discount


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Last modified: January 22, 2025