No Greater Joy
issue 9:
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In a time when we all realize that to have work is a privilege and not a burden it is important to remember to be wise and trust in God and not in governments. Also as Christians we so easily feel anxiety for the future. Yet we should reflect upon Psalm 91 that "He who is seated in the hiding place [That is, under the protection.] of the Most High shall overnight in the shadow [Compare Num. 14:9; Ruth 2:12; Ps. 17:8; 36:7; 61:4; 63:7; Hosea 14:8 with their annotations.] of the Almighty."
We are very happy to announce that, alongside a reprint of our 7 Scout books in Print, we have also released the Audio Book of Scout: The Secret of the Swamp. It was read by John Froma, well-known in our area as a good reader of sermons in our worship services.
The 7 hour Audio Book is available on 6 CDs, or as MP3 files on one DVD, or as a download from our old and NEW WEBSITE
INDEED, our new website,
though not nearly complete, is finally online. For the time being it will have only our own publications (with links to the old website which still is up-to-date).
Audio Book - Scout: The Secret of the Swamp by Piet Prins
Read by John Froma
One day as Scout was wandering about in the back yard enjoying the sun and exploring, he put his head through the hedge. Suddenly he started. Right beside him were the legs and tattered boots of an evil-smelling man who was standing on the other side of the hedge studying the house.The man was startled too when the German shepherds head came poking through the hedge. He aimed a hard kick at the dogs nose, but Scout was too quick for him.Scout wasnt afraid of the man; he bared his teeth and growled.Then the man suddenly changed his behaviour. He bent forward toward Scout, clucking his tongue and patting his leg. Here, boy! Come here. Good boy! Look what Ive got for you. From his pocket he pulled a chunk of meat and held it out to Scout.
PRINS, PIET - CD6 SCOUT 1 SECRET OF THE SWAMP - CD6 9781772980936 - CAD$ 39.95
PRINS, PIET - CD MP3 SCOUT 1 SECRET OF THE SWAMP - MP3 9781772980929 - CAD$ 18.95
PRINS, PIET - A-BK SCOUT 1 SECRET OF THE SWAMP - ABK 9781772980936 - CAD$ 13.95
as if 2.95 plus 11.00 for Postage to prevent I.P. from having to refund shipping
(Temporary insert: On Ascension Day we watched the livestream of a beautiful concert of Harm Hoeve. Harm just wrote us the following letter.)
Dear lovers of organmusic,
on 21 May, Ascension Day, I have given the first live online organconcert at the famous Hinsz-organ at the historical Bovenkerk at Kampen, the Netherlands.
Till 31 May you can listen and see this concert:
I have played choralarrangements for Ascension Day and works of Bach, Händel, Widor, Saint-Saëns and Nieland.
Take a look and enjoy one of the most beautiful organs of the Netherlands.
See also:
Yours sincerly, Harm Hoeve Beukenlaan 58 7954 HM Rouveen The Netherlands tel. 0522-292896
Things We Couldnt Say
by Diet Eman & James Schaap
The true story of a love stronger than Nazi persecution.
Dr. K. Sietsma, the author of The Idea of Office (a book that everyone should read), and The Self-Justification of God in the Life of Job
(prophetic sermons preached about five years before he experienced something like Job in Dachau in 1942) was not the only member of the Sietsma family who died in Dachau. His nephew Hein died in the same place. Dr. J. Faber wrote about Diet Emans book (the fiancé of Hein): The striking aspect of this book is that it testifies to Gods faithfulness . . . I heartily recommend it not only to my contemporaries among Dutch immigrants but also to their children and grandchildren.
["One of the best war-books I ever read!" R.A.J.]
Time: 1940 -1945 Age: 14-99 ISBN 0802837638 CAD$29.95
A Mighty Fortress in the Storm
by Paulina M. Rustenburg Bootsma
WWII Memorial Series 6
Fay S. Lapka in Christian Week: [This book] . . . is the fictionalized historical account of the actual village of Never Thought Of (literal translation of Nooitgedacht) in the Netherlands, and the efforts of the tiny, two-farm town to aid the resistance. This is a thoroughly interesting, at times warmly-amusing story, that will be enjoyed by adults. The photographs reproduced throughout the text add realism to the amazing story.
Time: 1940-45 Age: 14-99
ISBN 0-921100-37-X CAD$16.95
To All Our Children by Albert van der Mey
The Story of the Postwar Dutch Immigration to Canada
"Although they didnt show it, they were afraid. The only English word they knew was potato. My grandfather had said they were going to hell and would never come back. And he cried, with his face buried in his arm against the stable wall."
"Uppermost was the question, Will I ever see them again? "
"Uncle Tom, smiling, said, If we will not see each other on earth again, well meet in heaven. I smiled too, and a little ray of sunshine entered my heart."
"So she decided to pull on a little rope that was hanging there. Within two minutes, the train was motionless; she had pulled the emergency brake!"
"We used every cardboard box we could find for insulation to keep the wind out."
" Don t kill him! Dont kill him! These words still ring clearly in the mind of Berend Kraal. They are a reminder of the agony of his introduction to the hard work on the farm and the overbearing attitude of his boss when he learned that Kraal didnt even know how to milk a cow properly."
In the fifteen years following the end of World War II, thousands of Dutch people waved goodbye to their families, friends, past lives and possessions, boarded a ship, and made the long voyage to Halifax, Quebec City, or Montreal, where they disembarked as landed immigrants to Canada. Most of them had little or no idea of where they were going or what they would find when they got there. Still, they came. Between 1946 and 1982 more than 180,000 people emigrated from The Netherlands to Canada. That enormous tide peaked in 1952, when almost 21,000 Netherlanders made Canada their home. The movement arose out of a long-occupied country whose citizens considered Canadians their liberators, out of tiny Hollands limited capacity for growth, and out of the uneasy political situation in Europe. The real result of the movement, the lives of the ordinary people who uprooted themselves to immigrate, is the subject of this overwhelming documentation.
Told simply and movingly, this is the story of every immigrants experience, from the decision to leave and the journey itself to the arrival in Canada and the difficulties to be faced. A new language, poverty, homesickness the hardships were many. But the opportunities the freedom, the chance to stretch and grow compensated for hardship.
Here are the simple and straightforward words and pictures of a cross section of immigrants who came to Canada, not just for themselves and their children, but because Canada was an ideal place, a country one could dedicate ones life to. Some were disappointed and returned to The Netherlands. Most stayed. They became Canadians, not because of birth, but by choice, their choice and Canadas choice.
This is the tale of postwar Dutch immigration to Canada, a story as moving and terrible, as humorous and simple as life itself. To most of those immigrants, Canada was an unknown entity. However, despite their hardships, they became some of her staunchest citizens. Here, one of our most interesting ethnic groups speaks for itself.
Time: 1946-1983 Age 10-99
ISBN 0-88815-100-4 CAD$49.95
6 copies at 15% discount CAD$254.75 (Regular CAD$299.65)
Life in the Covenant by
A. Janse
Translated by Rev. Richard Stienstra
With the preaching concerning the judgment of an apostate covenantal people, such as with Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, there must be reference to the covenant, otherwise in spite of the most severe words it is much too gentle. And thus also Gods people who heartily love Him can really only be truly comforted in all sorrow and prosecution, when it is done with the words of the covenant. Especially when the theology dialectically speaks of yes and no, and the experiencing of the personality of the people is placed before the truth and faithfulness of God, and when everywhere the religiousness of the people increases and at the same time faith in Gods Word decreases, then most certainly it is the first requirement of the church of this time that she again understands Gods covenant. It is not that she must come to live with a covenant concept, or constantly has to apply the word covenant, but rather, that she envisions the word LORD and Kurios with every Word of God.
Subject: Covenant Age:14-99
ISBN 978-1-77298-085-1 CAD$19.95
All 21 Audio Books and Video Books Available Now on CD, DVD and Downloads
Order the complete download
set of all 21 Audio Books or Video Books
of the
Stories Children Love series by W.G. Van De Hulst
and save 15%
(as if 104.58 PLUS 11.00 for p&h to save Inheritance Publications from having to refund the shipping).
* * *
Set of 21 download video books - Van de Hulst, W.G. - Set 21SCL VBK DWNL - CAD$142.26
(as if 131.26 PLUS 11.00 for p&h to save Inheritance Publications from having to refund the shipping).
(only FOR LEGAL OWNERS of all 21 SCL books, or with an order for all 21 books)
DVD-IP17726 - CAD$ 39.95
Hunted and Harried
- A Tale of the Scottish Covenanters
by R.M. Ballantyne
It was in 1662 that the celebrated Act was passed by Middleton and his colleagues in Glasgow College. It provided that all ministers must either submit to the bishops or remove themselves and families out of their manses, churches, and parishes within a month. It was known as the Drunken Act of Glasgow, owing to the condition of the legislators. Four hundred brave and true men left their earthly all at that time, rather than violate conscience and forsake God. Their example ultimately saved the nation from despotism.The Archbishop of Saint Andrews was chief in arrogance and cruelty among his brethren. He afterwards obtained permission to establish a High Commission Court in Scotland in other words, an Inquisition for summarily executing all laws, acts, and orders in favour of Episcopacy and against recusants, clergy, and laity. It was under this authority that all the evil deeds up to now described were done, and of this Commission Sharp was constant president.
9781772980905 - CAD$ 16.95
5 The History of Protestantism in Germany to
the Leipzig Disputation of 1519 by J.A.
To Luther, groaning under sin, and seeking deliverance by the works of the law, that monastery so quiet, so holy, so near to heaven, as he thought seemed a very Paradise. Soon as he had crossed its threshold the world would be shut out; sin, too, would be shut out; and that sore trouble of soul which he was enduring would be at an end. At this closed door the "Avenger" would be stayed. So thought Luther as he crossed its threshold. There is a city of refuge to which the sinner may flee when death and hell are on his track, but it is not that into which Luther had now entered.
Time: 1483-1519 Age: 13-99
ISBN 978-1-77298-042-4 CAD$27.95
6 The History of Protestantism from the
Leipzig Disputation
to the Diet at Worms in 1521 by J.A. Wylie
Luthers friends were falling away, or growing timid. Even Staupitz was hesitating, now that the goal to which the movement tended was more distinctly visible. In the coldness or the absence of these friends, other allies hastened to proffer him their somewhat doubtful aid. Drawn to his side rather by hatred of Papal tyranny than by appreciation of Gospel liberty and purity, their alliance somewhat embarrassed the Reformer. It was the Teutonic quite as much as the Reformed element a noble product when the two are blended that now stirred the German barons, and made their hands grasp their sword-hilts when told that Luthers life was in danger; that men with pistols under their cloak were dogging him; that Serra Longa was writing to the Elector Frederick, "Let not Luther find an asylum in the States of your highness; let him be rejected of all and stoned in the face of heaven;" that Miltitz, the Papal legate, who had not forgiven his discomfiture, was plotting to snare him by inviting him to another interview at Treves; and that Eck had gone to Rome to find a balm for his wounded pride, by getting forged in the Vatican the bolt that was to crush the man whom his scholastic subtlety had not been able to Vanquish at Leipzig.
There seemed cause for the apprehensions that now began to haunt his friends. "If God do not help us," exclaimed Melancthon, as he listened to the ominous sounds of tempest, and lifted his eye to a sky every hour growing blacker, "If God does not help us, we shall all perish." Even Luther himself was made at times to know, by the momentary depression and alarm into which he was permitted to sink, that if he was calm, and strong, and courageous, it was God that made him so.
Time: 1519-1521 Age: 13-99
ISBN 978-1-77298-043-1 CAD$24.95
7 Protestantism in England from the Times of
Wycliffe to Those of Henry VIII by J.A.
Imprisoned in the Castle of Saltwood (1407), Thorpe was brought before the primate, Arundel, for examination. The record of what passed between him and the archbishop is from the pen of Thorpe. He found Arundel in "a great chamber," with a numerous circle around him; but the instant the archbishop perceived him, he withdrew into a closet, attended by only two or three clerics.
Arundel: "William, I know well that you have these twenty winters or more travelled in the north country, and in diverse other countries of England, sowing false doctrine, labouring, with undue teaching, to infect and poison all this land."
Thorpe: "Sir, since you deem me a heretic, and out of the faith, will you give me, here, audience to tell you my belief?"
Arundel: "Yes, tell on."
Time: 1382-1529 Age: 13-99
ISBN 978-1-77298-044-8 CAD$24.95
8 The History of Protestantism in Switzerland
from A.D. 1516 to its Establishment at Zurich in 1526
by J.A. Wylie
One night Jean Oexlin, the pastor of Burg, near Stein on the Rhine, was dragged from his bed and carried away to prison. The signal-gun was fired, the alarm-bells were rung in the valley, and the parishioners rose in mass to rescue their beloved pastor. Some miscreants mixed in the crowd, rioting ensued, and the Carthusian convent of Ittingen was burned to the ground. Among those who had been attracted by the noise of the tumult, and who had followed the crowd which sought to rescue the pastor of Burg, carried away by the officers of a bailiff whose jurisdiction did not extend to the village in which he lived, were an old man named Wirth, Deputy-Bailiff of Stammheim, and his two sons, Adrian and John, preachers of the Gospel, and distinguished by the zeal and courage with which they had prosecuted that good work. They had for some time been objects of dislike for their Reformed sentiments. Apprehended by the orders of the Diet, they were charged with the outrage which they had striven to the utmost of their power to prevent. Their real offence was adherence to the Reformed faith. They were taken to Baden, put to the torture, and condemned to death by the Diet. The younger son was spared, but the father and the elder son, along with Burkhard Ruetimann, Deputy-Bailiff of Nussbaumen, were ordered for execution.
Time: 1516-1526 Age: 13-99
ISBN 978-1-77298-045-5 CAD$26.95
9 The History of Protestantism from the Diet
of Worms in 1521 to the Augsburg Confession of 1530
by J.A. Wylie
Luther never wore sword in his life, except when he figured as Knight George in the Wartburg, and yet he never lacked sword to defend him when he was in danger. He was dismissed from the Diet at Worms with two powerful weapons unsheathed above his head the excommunication of the Pope and the ban of the emperor. One is enough surely; with both swords bared against him, how is it possible that he can escape destruction? Yet amid the hosts of his enemies, when they are pressing around him on every side, and are ready to swallow him up, he suddenly becomes invisible; he passes through the midst of them, and enters unseen the doors of his hidingplace.
This was Luthers second imprisonment. It was a not less essential part of his training for his great work than was his first. In his cell at Erfurt he had discovered the foundation on which, as a sinner, he must rest. In his prison of the Wartburg he is shown the one foundation on which the Church must be reared the Bible.
Time: 1521-1530 Age: 13-99
ISBN 978-1-77298-046-2 CAD$45.95
10 The Rise and Establishment of
in Sweden and Denmark by J.A. Wylie
The contest this time was respecting revenues and the exemption of the prelates of the Church. Battle being joined, the king inquired, "From where have the clergy their prebends and ecclesiastical immunities? " "From the donation of pious kings and princes," responded Dr. Gallus, "liberally bestowed, according to the Word of God, for the sustentation of the Church." "Then," replied the king, "may not the same power that gave, take away, especially when the clergy abuse their possessions?" "If they are taken away," replied the Popish champion, "the Church will fall, and Christs Word, that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, will fail." "The goods of the Church," said the king, "go into the belly of sluggards, who know not to write or preach any useful thing, but spend the hours, which they call canonical, in singing canticles, with but small show of devotion. Since therefore," continued the king, "it cannot be proved from Scripture that these goods are the absolute property of the clergy, and since they manifestly do not further the ends of piety, is it not just that they be turned to a better use, and one that will benefit the Church?"
Time: 829-1540 Age: 13-99
ISBN 978-1-77298-047-9 CAD$24.95
(for older NGJ editions please go to the bottom of this page)
New 2020 Website (not complete) For the time being it will have only our own publications (with links to the old website which still is up-to-date). |
Special Package Sets at 15-20% discount
No Greater Joy - Dedication to Mr. Donald Trump
No Greater Joy - Chris Pinto DVDs on the Bible
Last modified: May 23, 2020